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Linear Automatic Liquid Filling Machine RG6T-6G

Main Purpose:
. The filling machine widely used in Japan, such as the oil industry, filling different liquid products.

Technical Parameters:
. Filling speed 60-100 bottle / min
. Filling ? ± 1% accuracy
. Current 3A.
. Power 220/110V 50/60Hz
. 500 W power
. 0.4-0.6 MPa pressure
. Optional models 5-60 ml 10-125ml 25-250ml 50-500ml 100-1000ml 250-2500ml 500-5000ml

Principle Features:
. RG6T-6G filling machine similar foreign products in the reference on the basis of improved design, and to increase some additional features.
. In the use of the product operation, the accuracy of error, capacity adjustments, equipment cleaning, maintenance, and other aspects of a more simple and easy.
. The aircraft design compact, concise aesthetic appearance, filling in convenient adjustment.
. Filling the first six aircraft from six-cylinder drive, filling materials more quickly and accurately.
. FESTO by Germany, Taiwan AirTac aerodynamic components and Taiwan and Taiwan amounted to the electronic control components, performance and   stability.
. Some contact materials are used 316 L stainless steel materials.
. Filling Machine-eye devices Korean, Taiwan PLC, touch screen, Drives and France electrical components.
. Facilitate adjustment, not a bottle filling, filling a number of accurate and functional.
. ??Drawing and using anti-drip filling Mentou, anti-high foam products filling landing system to ensure that the mouth of the bottle and positioning Positioning   System Level Control System.


?       This equipment is automatically filling machinery, production speed, suitable for mass-scale production of enterprises to use. Washing can be matching, screw-capped, labeling, Penma, packaging, sealing a no linkage of filling production lines; this equipment has the advantage of filling a straight line, you can apply a variety of standard format, adjustments to facilitate the avoidance Maintaining design, measurement methods used piston volume filling, continuous, long-lasting and stable. Equipment used high-quality 304 stainless steel frame building materials, parts and materials used contacts 316 L stainless steel production, durable. Can adapt to a variety of chemicals, pharmaceuticals containing corrosive materials such as filling.

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All rights reserved. Jinan Xunjie Machinery Co., Ltd. Address: Lingang Development Zone, Jinan City, Airport Road, No. 3843 Tel :0531-88908865 88906638 Fax:0531-88022130
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