
Filling Machine
Packaging Machine
Seal Machine
Bundle Packet Machine
Fight Code Machine
Shrinkage Machine
Origami Machine
Filling The End Of Closure
Penma Machine
Labeler Machine

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  Product Name:Auto Da Baoji (Packaging Machine)
  Description: The Da Baoji Da Baoji to automatically apply to food, medicine and hardware industry carton packaging, Yaoxiang package, paper and other packaged goods size of the automatic packing Banding.
  Product Name:Automatic sealing machine
  Description: The Da Baoji to automatically sealing machine, with automatic sealing, automatic Banding, photoelectric sensors, the accuracy, automatic transmission, automatic steering and other functions, to adjust the distance bundles.
  Product Name:Da Baoji high-profile type (Packaging Machine)
  Description: The Da Baoji to manual Da Baoji, a higher packing table, applicable to all sizes of packaged goods, such as cardboard boxes, postal parcels, books and magazines, and other items of lesser Banding package.
  Product Name:Low-profile type Da Baoji (Packaging Machine)
  Description: The Da Baoji for semi-automatic Da Baoji, packing table lower, heavier apply to all kinds of packaged goods, such as cardboard boxes, postal parcels, books and magazines, and other items of lesser Banding package.
  Product Name:Packing Belt
Description: supply of colored machine packing belt.
All rights reserved. Jinan Xunjie Machinery Co., Ltd. Address: Lingang Development Zone, Jinan City, Airport Road, No. 3843 Tel :0531-88908865 88906638 Fax:0531-88022130
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