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Linear Two-liquid Filling Machine RGG2T-1G

Main Purpose:
. The filling machine widely used in the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, oil and other industries, can be different filling liquid products.

Technical Parameters:
Filling speed :10-30 bottles / min
. Filling accuracy: ± 1%
. Power: 220/110 V 50/60Hz
. Pressure :0.5-0.7 MPa
. Current: 3A
. Power: 300 W

Model RGY2T-1G /60 RGY2T-1G /125 RGY2T-1G /250 RGY2T-1G /500 RGY2T-1G /1000 RGY2T-1G /2500 RGY2T-1G /5000
Filling may be scope(ml) 5-60 10-125 25-250 50-500 100-1000 250-2500 500-5000
Filling of the best(ml) 25-60 50-125 100-250 200-500 300-1000 500-2500 1000

Principle Features:
RGG2T-1G in the Company filler products on the basis of improved design, and to increase some additional features. In the use of the
  product operation, the accuracy of error, capacity adjustments, equipment cleaning, maintenance, and other aspects of a more simple
  and easy.
. Widely used in the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, oil and other industries, can be of different high viscosity fluid filling. Reasonably
  compact machine design, looks and appearance, filling in convenient adjustment.
. The aircraft has two synchronous filling head, filling materials quickly and accurately.
. FESTO by Germany, Taiwan AirTac aerodynamic components and Taiwan and Taiwan amounted to the electronic control components,    performance and stability.
. Some contact materials are used 316 L stainless steel materials.
. Optical devices Korean eyes, Taiwan PLC and France electrical components.
. Facilitate adjustment, not a bottle filling, filling a number of accurate and functional.
. Drawing and using anti-drip filling Mentou, anti-high foam products filling landing system to ensure that the mouth of the bottle and
  positioning Positioning System Level Control System.
All rights reserved. Jinan Xunjie Machinery Co., Ltd. Address: Lingang Development Zone, Jinan City, Airport Road, No. 3843 Tel :0531-88908865 88906638 Fax:0531-88022130
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