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Hand-held electric-cap RG-II

The main purpose
  The cap-cap for the hand-held electrical machines, mainly used for a variety of caps and spin-Xuanjin.

Technical parameters
  Input voltage:220V 50/60HZ
  Rated power:50W
  Torque adjustment:No Purpose
  Air speed:1000r/min

Principle Features
  1, hand-held electric machine for carrying cap, can easily used to tighten or spin-all caps. Its adjustable clutch can effectively avoid the damage caps, within        the Cypriot and reduce the wear. Once the cap Xuanjin, the card will automatically stop the first rotation, you can carry out the operation under a cap. If        you buy at the same time frame, will be able to cap-Light, clean and starting rotation. This series of machines can effectively reduce labor intensity, quality        assurance cap.
?   2, with two include: host, aluminum cap and the first card in the Cypriot buffer.

All rights reserved. Jinan Xunjie Machinery Co., Ltd. Address: Lingang Development Zone, Jinan City, Airport Road, No. 3843 Tel :0531-88908865 88906638 Fax:0531-88022130
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