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Semi-automatic Lock-machine (gland machine)

Main Purpose:
. DK-50 / D Automatic Bottle Machine lock is my company's Sealer Machinery one of a series of species, applicable to all kinds of glass, plastic bottles and   polyester metal Fangdaogai mouth of the bottle, Yilagai, aluminum closures covered and sealed nozzle covers, such as pressure thread. Suitable for the beverage,   liquor, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics manufacturers bottles of essential production equipment.

Technical Parameters:
Power: 220 V 50Hz
. Power: 370W
. Work: Electric
. Seal diameter: f20 ~ f40 mm
. Cap Height: 7 ~ 35 mm
. Capacity: = 20 T / S
. Apply bottles High: 50 ~ 300mm
. Dimensions: 520 × 200 × 900mm
. Weight: 65kg

Principle Features:
DK-50 / D semi-automatic machine lock-driven rotary motor is to use the base up top of the top tight caps with locking devices automatically lock cover to   reach the lock-perfect results.
. All of the lock-use mechanical principles, convenient, easy-to-install, with a reasonable structure, locking stable quality, high productivity, facilitate adjustment,   and easy maintenance.
. ?The machine has sealed pressure thread functions.

All rights reserved. Jinan Xunjie Machinery Co., Ltd. Address: Lingang Development Zone, Jinan City, Airport Road, No. 3843 Tel :0531-88908865 88906638 Fax:0531-88022130
Xunjie Technology/Technical Support
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