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Yogurt filling machine
Double-click automatically scroll Writer:  update:2010-07-14

    As we all know yogurt can help digestion, it is not only nutritious, but also contains lactic acid bacteria, and therefore have a health effect. For this reason, a popular yogurt drink. Today to introduce a yogurt filling machine.
??Name Type: Single-head vertical ointment filling machine

    Main purpose
?    For medicine, daily chemicals, food, pesticide and special trades, is the ideal viscosity fluid filling equipment.

Technical parameters
Electric rate: 10W
Pressure :0.4-0 .6 MPa
Filling speed :10-30 bottles / min
Filling precision: ≤ ± 1%
??Optional Model :5-60ml 10-125ml 25-250ml 50-500ml 100-1000ml 250-2500ml

    Principles and characteristics
1, DLG single head vertical ointment filling machine is the company's advanced technology based on the filling machine to carry out reform and innovation of products, its structure is more simple and reasonable, high precision and more convenient.
2, for medicine, daily chemicals, food, pesticide and special trades, is the ideal viscosity fluid filling equipment.
3, This machine is semi-automatic piston type ointment filling machine.
4, the aircraft designed, compact model, vertical structure, saving space.
5, convenient operation, pneumatic parts are used in Germany and Taiwan AirTac FESTO pneumatic     components.
6, material contact parts are made with 316L stainless steel to meet GMP requirements.
7, filling valve controlled by a solenoid valve, filling more accurate.
8, filling volume and filling speed can be adjusted.
??9, Filling head adopts anti Drawing and down filling device.

All rights reserved. Jinan Xunjie Machinery Co., Ltd. Address: Lingang Development Zone, Jinan City, Airport Road, No. 3843 Tel :0531-88908865 88906638 Fax:0531-88022130
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