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Linear bottle of vinegar, soy sauce filling machine
Double-click automatically scroll Writer:  update:2010-07-14
    Rapid introduction of a linear mechanical 2010, vinegar bottle filling machine, application of turbine flow sensor (flow sensor A) and the counter control filling.     Mainly applied to soy sauce, vinegar, beverage and non-gas liquid pesticide packaging line automation. Due to the unique structure, it is especially suitable for easy bubble, foam from the liquid filling. With anti-drip system, no bottle no filling, with adapt wide-bottle, filling precision. This machine-line structure, using light, mechanical, electrical, pneumatic principle, controlled by the counter filling volume, with a filling tube wall dive spray devices, eliminating the bubble, especially for soy sauce, vinegar, oil, adapted to square barrel, drum filling. Filling volume from 1L - 25L, filling accurate, fast, non-drip, prices are lower than the same industry.

Technical parameters:
Filling Head: 6,8 head
Capacity (2L total): 1,000 barrels / hour 1,400 barrels / hour
Filling capacity :800-5000Ml stepless
Air source: 1.2 cubic meters per minute displacement
Transmission motor power: 0.3KW

Welcome to inquire :0531-88908865 0531-88906638  
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