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Pillow-style Automatic Packaging Machine TDB-450

Main Purpose:
. The Pillow-style packaging machine can be used for biscuits, cakes, Danhuangbai, rice cake, ice cream, instant noodles, chocolate products such as bulk   packaging, and are particularly suited to small quantities of a single product packaging.

Technical Parameters:
Packaging film thickness :5-60 mm
. Packaging: 60-200 speed packet / min
. Bag dimensions: width of 70-300 mm 20-120 mm high 5-60 mm
. Power: 220 V/3KW
. Dimensions: length 4200 mm width 1500 mm 850 mm high
. Weight: 800 kg

Principle Features:
Special adjustable bag, the better adapt to the current multi-species, multi-specification packaging requirements.
. Differential feed, in the operation of machinery can be expected to facilitate the realization for the adjustment of position.
. Advanced microcomputer packaging controller, excellent man-machine dialogue mode, the speed bag long, tangential position detection can be displayed directly   on the interface.
. Sliding Wang Feng, Wang can be moved from arbitrary adjustment of the centre of a high degree of closure.
. Imports of color-detector, so that more accurate color detection Netted, ruled, Shu Wen-sealed optional.
. Frequency Control to facilitate simple

All rights reserved. Jinan Xunjie Machinery Co., Ltd. Address: Lingang Development Zone, Jinan City, Airport Road, No. 3843 Tel :0531-88908865 88906638 Fax:0531-88022130
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